Almanara Square - دوار المنارة

صور من الحياة في رام الله - فلسطين

Monday, November 27, 2006

Promises…. is hamas leaving?!

Promises promises promises….
Hamas are still giving promises, but no change has been seen. My friends have told me to wait, But I was really looking forward for seeing some changes, but nothing is different.
Hamas still consists to look after their followers and nobody else.
What makes these people so uncaring ?? is it money? Is it prestige?
Why hamas has stooped carrying about us, the civilians?!
Why do they only care about themselves!??!
Only because of the people they got into the government, but we are the first to suffer!!

How can it be!?

I Wonder Why Haniya and Mashal prefer there best as appose to caring for our nation!?
This is twisted!
They should first care about us.
Hamas continues putting obstacles in front of the Palestinian people!
They should leave as soon as possible!
And last thing- I really hope hamas won't import their new force from Gaza, surely they won't be the solution, the solution is much broad, hamas should absolutely leave the government. Still hoping for a better life.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

was hamas really good for us!?!??!

After seeing the horrifying massacre in Beit Hanun, the beginning of the week was more optimistic. May all I wished for will come true.
Since Abu Amar died president Abbas has done many good things, but as long as and his main concern was keeping our people united. And unity is very important in these hard days.

There is only one thing that I feel that I need to shout very loud:

I guess that NO answers will be found.This is absolutely too much for Hamas, why the hell should they bother to take care!? Hamas only cares about hamas supporters!! It makes me so angry,
why poor families and poor widows should not get any money? And any help?Why only 2 years ago life was so different in here!?These questions lead me into one solution.There is only one man that is capable in maintaining the peace among us, that's because I really don’t like seeing violence and fitna.Last week I saw this man donating blood.
He has donated his blood for our poor people that were injured from the Israeli aggression and violence! An act like this really shows me how devoted he is!!The only man I feel could help us in this moment is Abu Mazen, he understands what needs to be done, and what is absolutely bad, and mustn't be done!The financial situation, and the violence in-between us, -these all are a result from the Hamas policy.

This should stop, as soon as we will have a non-hamas prime minister things will be different in many many ways.


Monday, November 06, 2006

اتفاق اقامة حكومة وحدة وطنية فلسطينية

لقد وصلنا الى هذا الحل بفضل قيادة الرئيس محمود عباس الحكيمة وكفاءته.
احساسه بالمسؤولية اتجاه الشعب الفلسطيني ومستقبله جعله يعمل جاهدا على حل المشاكل الداخلية وتهدئة الاوضاع بالطرق السلمية لانقاذ الشعب من الازمات والصعوبات التي حلت بنا في السنة الاخيرة.

نتمنى للحكومة الجديدة النجاح والتوفيق

كنا و صرنا و ياليتنا ما صرنا

كنا نقول لاتقابلنا السلام عليكم والحين هاااااي

كنا نقول إذا ودعنا أحد في أمان الله والله يحفظك والحين نقول يللا باي

كنا نقول هلا حياك الله اتفضل والحين نقول اتصل علي قبل ما تجي

كنا نتفاخر عندنا جد وجدة بالبيت و الحين صار فيه دار للعجزه والمسنين

كنا نقول تفضلوا للعشاء انتم والأهل والحين نقول ممنوع اصطحاب الأطفال

كنا نفرح اذا تعشينا من بره البيت والحين نفرح اذا تعشينا من البيت

كنا نفطر ونتغدى ونتعشى جميع على سفره واحده والحين بالكاد يجتمعوا اثنين

كنا ناكل مرقوق وجريش والحين مكرونه اسبكتي أو بالباشميل

كان طموحنا ندرس في الجامعه العربيه والحين طموحنا ندرس بالجامعه بس شرط مو العربيه

كنا ندرس كل طالبين بطاوله والحين كل طالب له طاولتين

كان طموحنا نصير طيارين والحين طموحنا وظيفة تأكل خبز

كنا نفرح اذا نزل البرد والمطر نشرب منه ونستعذب والحين نبتعد بعيييييييد لايوسخ ملابسنا

كنا نفرح اذا قالوا لنا قربت الاجازه والحين معظم أولادنا بإجازه على طول

كنا نهرّب السجاير تهريب والحين صار عندنا إدارة مكافحة المخدرات

كنــــا وصرنــــا .. وليتنا ماصرنــــا

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I miss Yaser Arafat ?!?!

I miss Yaser Arafat ?!?!

This post I would like to discuss the problematic leadership of our Palestinian people this days. Our people need, (as any other nation) strong leaders! Leaders are not ordinary people from the street, leaders need to have courage to rule the country, and only real Leaders have the ability to unite the people.

There is one leader (among the LONG years of occupation) that I can remember that actually succeeded in reaching all the different sides, and that was Abu Ammar.Abu Ammar died as a Shahid 2 years ago, and as time passes on a REAL leadership has not been found yet.Not that I saw eye to eye with him about all of his actions, but he had the power to save us from the fire of ourselves, the fire of the fitna!

I am frustrated that we still have not succeeded in improving our lives,HOW CAN IT BE!? After all of these long decades, how can it be that we are still so downward?!

I believe that our nation needs a new leadership, a young one and not the old or people from abroad. We need to stop the fitna, because it doesn’t get any better, our nation is too torn and divided. Only a strong leader that is not from HAMAS can let us out of the armed fitna!! And bring us into a better period.
I miss the good days that our nation wasn't so torn apart to pieces as today,Remember,Leaders can be replaced!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

النكات الجديدة التي تصف حالنا

.قبل فترة من الزمن كتبت لكم حول حرب الاغاني بين حركة حماس وحركة فتح
.في الايام الاخيرة سمعت بعض النكات الجديدة التي تصف حالنا وهذه احداها

عجوز مسنة جاءت لتتبرع لهنية بطقم أسنانها الاصطناعية فرد عليها رئيس الوزراء "ولكن كيف ستتناولين طعامك يا حاجة؟" فردت عليه العجوز المجربة المعروفة بخبرتها قائلة بتأوه وألم: "آه يمة يا اسماعيل, انتو من يوم ما جيتو احنا
"...مش لاقين أكل

لا يزال لدينا الكثير من النكات ياللحظ ما زالت فينا الروح للضحك

قبل فترة من الزمن كتبت لكم حول حرب الاغاني بين حركة حماس وحركة فتح.في الايام الاخيرة سمعت بعض النكات الجديدة التي تصف حالنا وهذه احداها.
عجوز مسنة جاءت لتتبرع لهنية بطقم أسنانها الاصطناعية فرد عليها رئيس الوزراء "ولكن كيف ستتناولين طعامك يا حاجة؟" فردت عليه العجوز المجربة المعروفة بخبرتها قائلة بتأوه وألم: "آه يمة يا اسماعيل, انتو من يوم ما جيتو احنامش لاقين أكل..."
لا يزال لدينا الكثير من النكات ياللحظ ما زالت فينا الروح للضحك