Almanara Square - دوار المنارة

صور من الحياة في رام الله - فلسطين

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy days in ramallah,

I have no reasons to smile, but surprise!
I am.
And that’s because Eid aladha has finished.
I enjoyed spending time with my family.
Not too often that we all sit as family, and just speak, I really missed speaking with my father. This holiday was an important one for me. Probably this eid aladha wasn’t a very happy one for my brothers in Gaza. Maybe next year they will be able to exit Gaza, and come to ramallah? and enjoy a calm holiday?
Lets just all hope for that!

My life is continuing quite normal, and that’s good for me, because I don’t really like changes. But maybe I should make a small change in my life?
And I mean, finding a job..

It's really nice and easy working and helping my father. But all year long?
Not always the easy thing is the right move to make, isn’t it?

That’s a hard decision, but I could not work in the family store for life, I need to expand my knowledge, and my abilities! And how can I improve when I'm working with my father?
Maybe I should open my own company? Maybe even a store? Maybe I will be able to sell the thing that I like most! Cameras and photography equipment.
This will probably give me joy, and who knows? Maybe even a good income. And finally I will be able to help my parents and brothers? Maybe it will help my father, and he won't feel much pressure at his store, in order to support the whole family.

I will think about it,
I have few months to make a decision (I still work with my father!)
Have a good weekend,



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