Almanara Square - دوار المنارة

صور من الحياة في رام الله - فلسطين

Monday, October 30, 2006

That's it!


ramadan month is over, and so is Eid al Fitr.

I have never experienced a gloomy Eid, such as the one that we celebrated the last few days in ramallah.It was horrible to observe the dark side of our reality and of our government. Sometimes, there is a need to let go, its not a shame to say we failed!

The streets of Ramallah are usually become of people every Ramadan, especially upon the evenings, and upon the holiday.

But this year, it was a ramadan that I have never seen.There was no happiness in the streets. Especially at night, when the restaurants are supposed to be full of people. The opposite happened ! most of the people were wandering ramallah streets without an ability to enter a fine restaurant to end the fast.As you know, many of us did not get salary for quite a long time, and that’s the reason for this poor reality.Every Eid, the moment of handing out the gifts is the most happiest moment..But this year........
Many of the people I know had no money to buy any gifts, and if they had, like my family, the gifts were very cheep, and made out of lousy quality (made in china...).

The only places were you could see people gathering around were the bastas (people selling cheep merchandise on the streets).

I got from my beloved parents a new shirt for the holiday, it made me happy because I know it could have been worse.

This was Eid al Fitr 2006.

Thank you hamas.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I choose to show you my dear readers, 2 pictures which describe what is going on in here, and what are the consequences of these incidents!

When 2 sides are pulling into different ways, the only victims in all of these incidents (deaths, demonstrations and strikes) are the Palestinian people.
The Palestinian flag represents in my opinion, the unity of the Palestinians.We should not tear it, and we should not ruin it.Lets change things (for better days to come!!!)


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This week is a special week for me and for every Muslim in the world. This week the holy month 'ramadan', the month of Fast, ended. Yesterday 'Eid al-fitr' begun. Every year I look forward to 'Eid al-fitr'. For me, it’s a chance to spend time with my beloved family.

'Eid al-fitr' is a holiday when you take a pause, a "time out" from the hectic days of everyday life in Ramallah.

This year, the holiday takes time in a very sensitive period, which I believe to be one of the hardest in the last few years, concerning the economical situation and the unity of our Palestinian people.

In 'Eid al-fitr' we eat chocolates and halawiyat, and we wear our best cloths in order to celebrate the holiday. This holiday always reminds me the better years, when I was a young child, having no cares at all. I did not have any reasons to demonstrate in the streets, or worrying about the way I'll mange through the year to come in the university.

This is the first 'ramadan' when we had no meat in most of our meals ending the fast, and I even saw some of our neighbors taking food packages from different charity organizations.
The government needs to know the large numbers of people which did not have enough food for the Iftar meal every evening.

How did we end up like this?! I hope that next year we'll have a better Eid al-fitr.


p.s - I'll be happy if you, my readers, will tell me how your "Eid al-Fitr" was.

Monday, October 23, 2006

كل عام وانتم بخير

عساكم من عواده
.يسعدني ان اتقدم بخالص التهاني والتبريكات الى زوار موقعنا ولشعبنا الفلسطيني بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك

انتهز هذه الفرصة لادعو الله ان يتقبل منكم صالح الاعمال وان يجعل ايامنا خيرا وبركة راجيا المولى تعالى ان يعيده علينا باليمن والبركات
.ونكون موحدين متوجين بالنصر والتحرير

Thursday, October 19, 2006

the 'fitna', and the winds of change...

The last few days were better.
The reason for this feeling lies in the fact that I have participated in some demonstrations in ramallah.
I decided that if something troubles me, me and my fellow students need to change it. I feel that by demonstrating, maybe something will happen and my family and the Palestinian people would benefit from it.
Many things that a year ago was very basic and easy to find became none exist able today..!

Before 'Hamas' won the elections the situation wasn’t like this!
Since 'hamas' took control over the government, the isolation and siege begun. And it became almost impossible to live in ramallah (in a respectful way….)

Now! , it is time to take part in the demonstrations, and help our nation to make the change!
We are trying to make the government understand that they have to fulfill whatever they promised us. We can make a change!
And now, I have to be with my friends in the square, almanara, and do the right thing for me! Demonstrate.
Those strikes are legitimate!
Palestinians should live in an honorably way! With respect!
Me and my family need to have the basic conditions to live!
And to live like human beings,
And not to be misled by our government every time again and again.
Maybe, when times will be better, I will be back in London, I miss my photography lessons so much! I need to practice all the things I have learned there! Maybe I will start taking pictures of the demonstrations, although this could be quite dangerous.
I would like to buy a new camera, a digital one that will suit me, and help me document my life. And show you my readers how it all looks like in here. But for now I can't afford it.
I just need to wait for better times.
!!كل عام وانت بخير

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The ‘Fitna’

Hard days are going in ramallah, as you all know,
the Palestinian authority is going through very hard time during the last few days. It makes me very frustrated.
The square ((almanara)) is full of armed people..
Many guns, jeeps, shootings..
The demonstrations are more significant, serious and powerful..!
The strength and the power are the most important weapons in the square.
Power is not the solution!
Still hoping till next time..
